I’ve got 1000+hours in League, and 330 in DOTA, and I’ve got to say, it feels much easier to uno reverse a DOTA match due to everyone being op in their own way
One time I killed Nature’s Prophet that was 10 levels ahead of me just because I used blade mail (80% damage reflection) when he tried to nuke my Abaddon (damage heals you) and used the gold to carry the rest of the match
The current method of creating monocrystals, a very important thing for modern processing units, has been created by a tired researcher that dipped his pen in molten tin instead of ink
Here’s something from Canada with French(?) lyrics: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJGH1OGRZI
Now I’m curious what would happen if you treated someone with neuralink with an EMP
Sekiro - For the sake of Ashina
Oh, I am in this group. I have a mid range PC (Ryzen 5 3600, GTX 1660S) and still mostly play indies or 5+ year old games, because they’re (usually) patched and dirt cheap.
Ah, the classic:
What’re you gonna use your 1000$ GPU for? Local hosting LLM? Video editing? 3d graphics? …Running new games on highest settings?
Nah, I’m gonna replay this 10+ year old game.
During Lost Mines of Phandalver we’ve entered an orc cave and seen an ogre among them. Since we knew ogres aren’t that intelligent and we all had some form of telepathy (no darkvision though), we’ve decided to convince him that he’s a champion of Kelemvor (my paladin’s god).
Our sorcerer cast prestidigitation to get their attention, and our fighter used her telepathy to tell the ogre “listen to the short guy in heavy armor that will come here in a minute”,roll deception… Nat 20.
A fight with orcs later, I’ve explained the basics of my religion to the ogre and renamed him Shrek. Now he’s running a church in Conyberry.
I wonder if people would care if someone started metal screaming to their favorite song, because this can get really loud /srs
Damn, this reads like a guide for protesting in Belarus. Hope your situation gets better.
Meanwhile me playing cozy games: https://youtu.be/viM6_Z2Nwx0
Couldn’t find a clip with English subtitles, but Gintama made a similar joke https://youtu.be/1ffoDVM8RCo
Imagine that there’s a paving slab that sticks out right outside of your house, often causing you to fall. If that’s the 50th time you fall over due to this thing, you probably will curse at it, no matter how emotionally mature you are.
Now exchange falling over to being trolled.
Gojira: L’enfant Sauvage
8 (2^3) if we count doing nothing, 7 otherwise