Too true. Should have read the article but the WSJ is on the nose. Others had a better take.
Too true. Should have read the article but the WSJ is on the nose. Others had a better take.
I suppose that Donny is surprised. No body else is.
Then the words need to say what they mean. At the moment they mean that Mozilla own everything.
Politicians are generally loose with the truth but the LNP really take it to a nasty level of lying. It all seems to be about winning the election however it really is about setting up an agenda for radical gutting of our society.
It’s wishful thinking but they may have committed a Shorten manoeuvre where they scare the electorate.
Interesting, it was the Marshall plan devised by the US government that lead to the creation of the EU after WWII. The idea was to unify Europe to prevent the fragmentation that lead to two world wars. Looks like Donny wants a war.
Maybe a throwaway email address and use TAILS as an anonymiser which also manages the cookie cleanup. Every network session is a new clean invocation.
In some the police and judiciary are extension on the executive government where in others they are the third branch and independent.
There are a number of places in the world that have legal systems that are totally controlled by the state. If you go to those places you are taking large chances as you don’t know how much you figure in that government’s agenda at that moment.
Probably time to try Loops or something else.
When asking why is this so important to Trump, it can only be money. Nothing else motivates him. They say there are minerals there but it’s probably oil.
Wow the President of the USA calling insulting the President of Germany? Wow would have thought?
Was thinking the same.
Not in Australia where it is illegal for the police to touch your phone.
The sad part is that a technological society built ethically might be sustainable however we’ve blown it with run away climate change.
Apparently endless growth is a good thing. How the planet is supposed to continue to provide and survive a continuous expansion of Homo sapiens is beyond me. The only way out is to decrease population growth and refactor the world economy away from endless growth.
What you say is true though my point is that to many bean counters, research should only be done on something that addresses the current bottom line. It’s this type of view that conservatives take to heart and it’s why they tend to try to stifle higher education and research institutions.
Conservatives just have no idea how research is done and think they can tell people what to research. The absurdity is that no scientific be can tell someone to research something that hasn’t been discovered yet!
It’s law and order with a bit of “thou shall not steal”. There’re people who never question the root cause.
Totally agree about WhatsApp as I no longer use it due FB shenanigans. A lot of people do though which is interesting as it so easy to move.
Time to stay away from the USA.