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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2024

  • Wow, fascists, whether corporate or colonial or otherwise nationalistic really know no boundaries.

    In our case we had a guy in the group who claimed to be from a specific place I happen to know very well since I have friends from there and the dialect of the guy just didn’t match his story. This is something very specific to Arabic dialects though where every region, every city has their own dialect. It was very awkward to tell this to the others, because it just ruins the trust in the group.
    That’s why it’s often better to give menial tasks like putting up posters or painting banners to suspected infiltrators rather than put the accusation out there and keep them out of the loop otherwise.

    In general I’d recommend having several layers of communication and only let those in which seem trustworthy. If infiltrators start having sexual relationships with group members and become leaders of the group like in the article, well… No idea what to do in such a case, this is just crazy.

  • Yeah Signal should be fine. Don’t use a picture, don’t use your name, activate disappearing messages, change your user name whenever you’re sharing your contact details. Never share your phone number, only the handle.

    Activism is trust based, as others said it’s a lot word of mouth how you learn about things going on. The unfortunate reality is that depending on what kind of activism you’re doing there might be people infiltrating.

    You have to be more careful if you’re e.g. a climate or pro-Palestine activist. This is my experience from Palestine activism, the Zionists actually send people speaking perfect Arabic into protestor groups in and outside of Palestine. They get the names & info on everyone, what their role is in the group, things they share, they use that to disrupt the activism, blackmail and jail people. So you might consider not sharing social media accounts and your real name either, the less the better. But that really depends on the kind of activism you’re doing and the kind of people you’re surrounded with. I would assume that climate activism might be equally dangerous. Although mind you my experience is also a dictatorship like scenario, or whatever you wanna call military occupation.

    The infiltrator issue also sucks because it destroys trust, there have been cases where undercover cops lived a double life for years just to keep some group infiltrated but those are rare. And that’s why a lot of things are word of mouth, you get “in” over doing more work and building friendships with people.

  • Thanks for your kind words. It’s also shocking to me to see, but here we are. For now, the situation remains dire for us but the public opinion has changed in a way that I have never considered possible. Your protests may not have stopped the genocide, but there’s a whole new generation of people who are pro-Palestine now, all around the world. And to me that means a lot, even the people in Gaza have seen the student protests, it gives everyone hope.

    I just really hope that we’ll have enough time left to change things. And from the protests myself I became more concerned with other issues as well, and I hope to spread that in my community.

  • Honestly thank you for being here and writing this. The “but Kamala” comments are super hurtful to me because I remember how the Americans have been treating us ever since. My entire family is displaced from Palestine, had to abandon studies in Syria, Iraq back in the day, had to flee again from Kuwait, my friends and acquaintances together have lost hundreds of family members. We have lost family members and ongoing trauma from having lived under occupation. It’s unbearable and you can’t even do therapy because it’s still going on, you can’t get closure.

    I don’t know a single Palestinian out there who hasn’t lost family or friends, or who has family or friends who moved abroad for good.

    We’ve been suffering from ethnic cleansing, apartheid, collective gaslighting since 1948 and we’ve been facing violence and terror since even much longer. As if it would make a difference to us if the person who’s literally providing the means to annihilate us is saying nice words while doing the opposite? Trump is escalating our annihilation and we never doubted that, but the Gaza genocide alone has been going on for almost 1.5 years and there was no Trump.

    Many people here really don’t seem to care about the actual people. The same way we aren’t human to Trump & the Zionists, I don’t feel human when Harris supporters use Palestinians to say “I told you so”.

  • Now you’re just moving goalposts after making a false claim and you don’t even bother to correct it. Of course what I said matters.

    You care enough about it for it to be illegal to be homosexual, that is cruel and unusual in most peoples eyes. And yes you do have plenty of crazy, and due to it being fuled by a proselytic religion, it spreads by design and those who do not follow it are “lesser”. Compare that to jewish people, who traditionally doesn’t even allow converts to call themselves jewish. They keep to themselves in Sweden and live completely peacefully. Until recently when synagogs in Sweden are ruined by muslims that take up the fight for Gaza by attacking those that have NOTHING to do with the conflict.

    Personally, I haven’t made anything illegal, nor have I attacked anyone. There are 46 countries in the world with majority Muslim populations, 23 declare Islam to be the state religion in their constitutions. The rest either proclaim the state to be secular or make no pronouncement concerning an official religion. I did not make the laws of any of these countries, nor did the majority of the people living in these countries.

    Feel free to criticize the dictatorships that use these rules to control and terrify people, we don’t have much love for them, but don’t make this about Muslims in general. Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Do I now assume that all Jewish people are genocidal maniacs? No, because that would rightfully be called antisemitic and it’s equally Islamophobic to hold all Muslim people accountable for the nut jobs who probably did this.

  • Christianity is the world‘s largest religion. Not that it makes any difference how big or small any religion is for inciting hatred against it to be wrong or hatred against anyone for that matter. Furthermore, this happened in Sweden and in Sweden Muslims are definitely a minority.

    Who is ”they“ in that context? You talk a lot about “them“ doing these things as if that would mean everyone. OTOH I’m Muslim too and I have a large mostly Muslim family and a large friend circle and I mostly consume Arabic media. I can tell you that I’m mostly busy working, doing laundry, thinking about what to cook, wondering which show to watch next, trying to have a social life and being angry about the Gaza genocide and the rise of Nazism in the west. That’s the reality for pretty much everyone I know, except for those lucky bastards who are retired or still in school. But they have their own shit to worry about.

    We don’t care about pride flags and crazy people, we have enough of crazy to deal with at home. This guy in particular pissed me off because he was just trying to spread hatred, how does that make the world a better place? Even the Swedish government wanted to get rid of him but couldn’t, because he would be facing torture in Iraq, which btw is the same Iraq that received democracy from our friends in the US and their illegal invasion. Not that Saddam was any better.

    Anyway. I hope you get my point, we have other things to worry about than this, the guy was a giant asshole and he should have been tried as was intended instead of being assassinated, but don’t involve me or Muslims in general in that. I’m against capital punishment and I couldn’t think of anyone I know who would be in favor of that, no matter why.

    I also don’t start political discussions with my Hindu Indian friends when I see that there’s some lynch mob attacking Muslims somewhere in India and I leave my White American friends alone when there’s the next shooting conducted by a far right guy. So please just give me a break from your generalizations.

  • Idk man YouTube, TikTok, Meta, doesn’t matter all social media platforms are anyway just feeding on rage bait and I’m pretty sure they have significantly radicalized millions if not hundreds of millions at this point.

    To them it doesn’t matter if you’re cheering for ISIS or Hitler or Israel, they just care about more engagement so that some product teams can show some engagement & add KPIs going up during performance review season.

    Idk I think some kind of supremacy is accurate here indeed? Some seek white supremacy, other ethnic supremacy, religious supremacy, it’s all the same poison to me.

  • I get your point and while we don’t know anything yet about the murder it’s likely linked to the guy‘s actions.

    Let’s just go ahead and assume the people arrested killed him for real and they killed him for what he did. Then I think there really are no heroes in that story.

    The guy was inciting hatred for which there was even a trial and it was a pointless act in the sense that I don’t see what good could potentially come from it.

    Did he deserve to die for that? I’m against the capital punishment, so I think no one deserves to die for anything and I agree that the killers are fascists.

    I’m just saying that burning books and executing people isn’t the kind of world I want to live in in general.

  • Yeah I have read both the Quran and some exempts from Mein Kampf. Cannot recommend the latter.

    My favorite part from Mein Kampf was the one about the fox, the goose and the tiger who are all assumed to be hostile towards each other. Because of this „Arians“ shouldn’t mingle with Jews. If you’re troubled with following the soundness of the argument that’s because there is none.

    Let’s ignore for a second that it’s just outright offensive to compare the books of any world religion to Mein Kampf. Even if you don’t believe in the whole God thing, then the Quran would still be a brilliant collection of verses spoken by some illiterate orphan without any education somewhere in the Arabian desert. And I can tell you that because I‘m a native speaker and even the hardcore atheist Arabs agree with me on that.

    I think no one should be assassinated and capital punishment shouldn’t exist. And believe me when I tell you that I want freedom of speech. But there’s freedom of speech and hate speech. I don’t want freedom of hate speech and I don’t care who it is targeting.

    I still don’t think anyone deserves capital punishment for anything, but to use this to generalize against all Muslims and our religious books is rightfully being called out as what it is, Islamophobia. Say the exact same things you said just about burning the Torah and we wouldn’t even have to argue about that being antisemitic.