Not me taking my morning adderall dose on a chill day so I can get my brain to shut up and let me go back to bed.
Not me taking my morning adderall dose on a chill day so I can get my brain to shut up and let me go back to bed.
In group and out group baybee!
In a different circumstance definitely. In this one though it’s most likely Bibi taunting everyone else and shouting “Nyeh nyeh! I got away with it!”
Their justification is almost certainly as simple as “only gays and addicts get this, let it kill them”
That statement isn’t about the unpasteurized milk, it’s about being anti-establishment. If I had to guess, I’d say the idea is to say “both these groups are anti-establishment, now let me show you how crazy the raw milk thing on this side is so you’ll implicitly think the other group is a bunch of weirdos too.”
Nah they want Mandatory Fun™©®
It’s a very specific kind of fun. It needs to be deep enough to hold your attention, but not so deep that you don’t drop it even the New Thing releases. It needs to be formulaic so they don’t have to spend much money making it. That’s the ideal for these corpos.
From Wikipedia:
In November 2022, Gearbox Entertainment acquired the Risk of Rain IP. Hopoo Games remains an independent studio. Hopoo now states that they are working on other games and projects.
The Steam page for the DLC also lists Gearbox Software as the developer and Gearbox Publishing as the publisher so yeah. Seems accurate.
Not really. Using % of forecast area as % chance of rain inherently gives equal weight to your position being anywhere within that area. Even if you limit the forecast area to the 5m or whatever it is radius that smartphone GPS is typically accurate to which a weather app could theoretically do, simply using % of the forecast area covered as % chance of rain inherently gives equal probability of you being literally anywhere within that 5m radius. It would obviously still be more accurate, but those numbers wouldn’t be the same thing.
Because they’re not in it for profit. It’s a project of the chuds at the Daily Wire. Any profit is a side effect of their true goal, right wing culture war. It exists to take money from their fans and use their “successful business” to prove that they’re correct. They’d still do it even if it wasn’t profitable just to push their preferred narrative.
Not a piss take. But yes part of the show. It’s entirely owned and operated by the chuds at the Daily Wire and their entire purpose is right wing culture war. It’s just classic conservative grifting
They don’t. If you look into them it’s entirely a company owned by the same guy that owns The Daily Wire. It’s literally only there to grift from their audience and further their culture war.
Of course. It’s not political if it’s just The Way Things Should Be™
Their views are never “political” because theirs is the “natural state” of things. They’re on top because they deserve to be, and they deserve to be on top because they are. It’s anything that deviates from that so-called natural state that’s being political.
A couple things. First, you might need to freshen up on your Schoolhouse Rock, because this is not true:
The 60 vote thing is true. It’s referring to the filibuster and cloture procedures in the Senate.
When a bill comes up for consideration in the Senate, first it gets brought up for debate. A filibuster is when someone usually opposed to the bill makes this debate go on as long as possible to delay a vote on the bill. This process has been shorthanded a lot in recent years so senators merely need to indicate intent to filibuster so that the Senate can still attend to other business such as committee hearings and the whole chamber isn’t locked in by the filibuster.
Since the entire GOP is bent on obstructing the Democratic party agenda this means in practice that you need to use Cloture to end the filibuster and bring the bill up for a vote. This is why we see so many things crammed into the Budget Reconciliation bill. It’s one of the only bills that can’t be filibustered like that. For pretty much all other things if you don’t have 60 senators willing to vote for Cloture the bill is dead on arrival.
Oh no that’s broken as well. But that same kind of disenfranchisement happens in the Senate. Wyoming per your example has ~600k people and California has ~39 million according to Wikipedia but both get 2 Senators. That’s what, 65x the population but the same voting power? Then there’s also the fact that unless you’ve got 60 votes in the Senate it doesn’t matter what anyone in the House wants it won’t even come up for a vote. Which means there’s a lot of comparatively empty land that can basically just hold the rest of the country hostage. Point is there’s a lot that’s broken in the legislative branch.
I mean it was very smart for the time when the average citizen couldn’t possibly know enough to make an informed decision and news that could change who someone would vote for could take weeks to arrive somewhere.
But let’s not kid ourselves. Both the Electoral College and the Senate were specifically created to thwart the will of The People if it was too inconvenient for the elites. What was that quote about the Senate being the “cooling saucer of democracy” or something like that?
My partner hates when I open bananas like this because there’s a little dark part of the banana under that end of the peel that she calls “The Ban-anus” and thinks it’s gross even if I pick off that part and don’t eat it.
Generally yes vasectomy is safer. But if they’re planning to give birth via c-section for whatever reason for example, then in practical terms there’s basically no additional risk. Plus neither method is totally effective. So if you can both get fixed you have much better chances of not getting pregnant accidentally.
We moved hospitals for the birth of our twins to find one that was willing to tie her tubes when they took the twins out. She ended up having to have a hysterectomy for other reasons later but them being willing to tie her tubes during the c-section was a big part of our decision on doctors to see.
My mom had a hell of a time getting her tubes tied after my brother was born. She had to argue with the doctor for a while to eventually get it done. Gave her the old “What if you change your mind later?” line in like 5 different variations. The one that really angered me though when she told me the story was “What if something happens to one of your children?” Like you were just replacing a busted TV or something.
Of course. It’s pretty much just to get headlines and for people to campaign on. But that’s really all you can hope for when Republicans control the House and won’t actually take up any meaningful oversight.
Pffft, you believe in the Moon?