What can I say we like methods that get results
Yeah and I’m Ukrainian too, on the Jewish side of my family
I know why I don’t have any family left in and it ain’t the Russians
The first wunderwaffen didn’t work but that’s OK, the president says he’s sending more wunderwaffen
So that would make you the nazi supporter
Probably the conspiracy that the virus is still a pandemic and people are still dying and we should all wear masks, you know the truth
Meanwhile literally every US president in my lifetime has either accusations against them of being pedophiles (Trump and Clinton) from victims or a direct connection to either Jeffery Epstein (Bush II, Obama and Biden) or the Franklin Scandal (Bush I)
Not since the roman empire has there ever been a country in the history of the world more run by pedophiles than
“Shills” implies we’re being paid and I take offense to that because I wish I were getting paid for this
Not enough to keep me from upvoting all their posts
Ever wonder why they impeached him over some bullshit most people didn’t give a fuck about in a country most people didn’t know existed at the time instead of the mountains of evidence of his predatory behavior?
we literally can’t see what you posted
I’d say the same but there’s clearly no helping you
I do vote every year and have since I turned 18
Last year I wrote in names for every candidate
Na, that’s still you
Also least self aware