A piece of shit in a suit is still a piece of shit.
Whatever, I don’t exist.
A piece of shit in a suit is still a piece of shit.
Origami and handmade cards are very thoughtful. :)
Keep trying with the folds, one day you’ll forget to check the videoguide!
I have, many times, and nothing changes, always an excuse, they forgot or were distracted by something more important. Hence why I have completely given up trying to plan anything. Like talking to a brick wall. Things only happen when I take the initiative. Special days, house repairs, appointments…
Dud. After years of having to remind, plan and remind the other half again and again, I gave up and said nothing last year. Nothing happened. Nothing happened again this year. Next up - Mother’s Day, which I expect to be equally nothing, just like last year.
I can’t wait for the complaints that I planned nothing for birthdays or Father’s Day.
Freelancer, PC
I have five or six on the go. Can’t tell if I’ve ever lost one. Win-win!
It’s a book of psalms and prayers. The idea of someone asking what passage they should read and being answered with “The spider bookmarked one” brings me joy.
Chaotic good. I have bookmarks, I just forget to use them.
I have a very old book (published in 1794) that has leaves, spiders, some writing, as well as fire and water damage. Not worth anything in the condition it’s in, but it’s mine and I love it. I’ve always wanted to know why there were spiders in it, but I’m thankful it’s not bound in human leather.
Save for a few I bought second hand, and the first book I ever owned (I managed to have it signed by the author 20 years later) the rest of my books look like they are fresh off a bookstore shelf.
Not too many games, but I played the hell out of a few. (So glad there isn’t an total hours played stat)
Would have more dwarf, but the guy I was playing with decided he was too good to play with me, and I got bored playing solo.
A few of the guys (Americans) I game with called it “A good result.” All I could respond with was a heavy sigh.
At least they haven’t been spouting the usual mysogynistic BS in my presence, unlike my last group. They were outright partying, and they aren’t even American!
I’ve always added a carrot.
First I was asked politely to not swear, even if I was not a customer facing employee.
Second time I was cautioned was because I’d switched to swearing in another language. Manager thought it was hilarious, but they still knew I was swearing.
I spent the next five years being increasingly creative with how I swore. A temporary (and loud) revert to English swearing when I was in a workplace accident was kindly ignored due to circumstance.
There was no third warning.
Too right. Hawai’i is far above him.
I should have been more detailed in my criteria. Uninhabited, no vegetation, maybe even only an inch above sea level.
I do like the raft idea. Drop him off with the flat pack, he can assemble it himself.
We don’t want him. Surely there’s an island in the middle of the ocean he can be sent.
ASKA, Satisfactory, and No Man’s Sky. Occasionally a bit of Pax Dei thrown in in case my building scratch is itchy.
There was a place like this in Vancouver, no idea if it is still there.
The Elbow Room. “Food and service is our name, abuse is our game!”
One of our group asked for water, he got told his legs worked and he could get it himself. The food was amazing, although we did get told off for not finishing our plate.
And only pulled after some pearl clutching nanny noticed and decided to point out the original ruling.
Not the first time someone had a dummy spit over a game that is less problematic than the average M rated movie…
Can you be my neighbour? The new ones think 8am is the perfect time to stand outside my window and scream at each other. I’ve just gotten to sleep. Noise at 11 (even a lawnmower outside my room) I could sleep through, but that first two hours of sleep I struggle to stay asleep.
Spoken to someone who might work 60 minutes a week.
He can get fucked by his 60 hour work week. Sideways.