For the same reason that a little fire and big fire are both fires but a small rock is a pebble while a big rock is a boulder. Fire is more about what something is doing while rocks are more about what they are.
For the same reason that a little fire and big fire are both fires but a small rock is a pebble while a big rock is a boulder. Fire is more about what something is doing while rocks are more about what they are.
Considering people exist who can, by hand, create art that appears photorealistic to the naked eye… Yeah I’m gonna slap a big false on this question. Lol
The biggest challenge, for a capable individual, is knowing enough to do so.
The disturbing part of this idea is that once humans create a computer similar enough to our own brain, it will just inherently be conscious. “Organic” or not.
Hadn’t really thought of it that way before. I’ve considered the possibility of an exterior source before but not that it might have something to do with sleep.
These days I’m more leaning to consciousness being the result of some convergence of our neural architecture.
It’s like asking the question of, “where’s the user environment of a computer?”
Well, it’s in the RAM… Except it’s also streaming through the CPU, oh also it’s on the monitor but that isn’t what it actually looks like, however it actually originates from the SSD.
None of these individual components matter in a truly meaningful way without all of them. It is the same with the brain, take out any part of it and effectiveness is diminished or outright bricked.
Astlibra: Revision
I’d put a conservative minimum first playtime at 60 hours… For slower, completionist, players? 80-100 hours.
If that first playthrough is on the impossible setting?.. I don’t wanna think about it. Lmao
Ha! Nah, Federal law doesn’t require a lunch period, or breaks, at all. It’s all state side.
Only thing is that if an employer gives a short break, like 5-20 mins, it must be paid and included in overtime.
Series increases voltage, parallel increases capacity. the more you know
We basically run on tiny combustion engines. Exothermic reactions.
We aren’t a passive 98 degrees, we would be hotter if it wasn’t cool enough outside. Higher heat would cause different cellular structures to become misshapen, leading to system breakdown. I’d be like trying to run a cpu cooling loop with boiling water.
This article is a mirage.
“Nothing behind P2025 at all, see? So stop worrying about it and thinking about it…”
It only works if that one country is the good ol’ US of A. Lol
Been tested for ADHD? Its effects on your life can be far more wide reaching than its name suggests.
Not sure which video specifically, but it appears to be a really neat animation YouTube channel that’s probably going to be my new fixation. Lol
What protects from cold also protects from heat. Insulation goes both ways. Your natural body temp is lower than 100F and if humidity is compromising evaporative cooling that sweat would give you… It’s better to insulate yourself from the heat. Also sun is bad.
Law is 100% semantics. I don’t need cool points. I’ll be the squarest person in the room if it means police don’t get their way.
Did they actually say they own the acronym for LAPD? Because… It’s not an acronym. Unless this whole time we’ve been meant to say LAP’D like the racing term… Or perhaps lahpud? Laypeedee? Hmmm the last one sounds a little too French adjacent perhaps.
Woah- CyberStorm? Is… Is that you?
reads some reviews
Am I the only one that’s played/remembers the CyberStorm games? The even more bleak strategy sim sibling to EarthSiege’s action Sim?
The atmosphere/menu of those games alone were terrifying to me as a child… but I just couldn’t stay away from them. Lmao
Nothing can quite scar a small child like the clones dying could in CyberStorm. I’m 35 now and just remembering them still puts me on edge.
sigh now where’d I put that hoe…
Unless said person is a small child, very old, or unaware, no I don’t think it’s reasonable to fear even moderate injury from a teenager welding a hoe.
That’s rediculous and cowardly.
I’ve heard accounts on multiple occasions, in person and not, of very young children having knowledge of things they shouldn’t, or very specific stories about how they died… One very fanciful sounding example was of a child being led to safety through dreadful environment by an apparition that later in life was revealed to be of a family member that hadn’t been born yet.
Even if only 1% of these stores are remotely true…
Something’s fucky about reality. Things aren’t as they seem. It’s right in front of us, I just know it. It just isn’t able to be comprehended past a faint feeling of confusion and unease.
No I don’t lose sleep thinking about these things! You do! Lol
Delay, Dissent, Depose?