Star By Star. Reading through the old EU New Jedi Order books again. The old EU is the best part of Star Wars.
Star By Star. Reading through the old EU New Jedi Order books again. The old EU is the best part of Star Wars.
Just pretend like you’re adding a new server, just use the old server to login again. It did that to me after the exploit got fixed.
I’m really digging Liftoff on Android. Simple and painless.
It took me 6 years,and a lot of lowering nicotine strength. I haven’t touched my vape in a year now and still have a box full of vape liquid.
Vaping made it easier to stop when nothing else would help. The laws that limited flavors and sales would have hampered my efforts, buy I was lucky enough to have fully quit when they finally came into effect.
Good write-up.
It took me a while until I got up to speed. The web ui was a lot easier to handle than old.reddit on a phone. Once I downloaded Liftoff, it was just like how Relay worked for me.
Yea, the content hasn’t hit a critical mass, but I like being an early adopter again. I’m just surprised how fast Lemmy is moving. I haven’t felt the need to really browse Reddit in almost a fortnight now. Still missing some things. But I have hope for this place.
Definitely should be shelved under Educational.