What’s the difference? You want to stay in business to make money personally for what you build.
What’s the difference? You want to stay in business to make money personally for what you build.
Iant that what Aperture Desk Job did?
There are individual salary stats. And those may align with households as some households only have 1 income. https://www.usatoday.com/money/blueprint/business/hr-payroll/average-salary-us/
I’m not making an argument about the current state of wages. I’m just saying 4.4 million isn’t as unattainable as people think. And household income gets murky when you include single income households. And the definition for this article of American Dream includes 2 kids, so if kids aren’t in your planning the 4.4 million mark is probably 1 million less if you still want to attain those other things. I think some folks see that number and think “OMG I’m never going to have that much money.” You are right, you will never have that much money all at once, but over a lifetime you may have earned and/or spent that much without ever leaving the sort of “middle” income range in America.
I agree. All I’m saying is if 50% of salaries are above that 60k mark and as a dual income you are probably getting close to hitting the dream at that level. That’s not as dire as thinking only 10% of the population can afford it. 4.4 million is a scary number, but no one is expected to have that as liquidity or even net worth. That value of spend is actually more attainable over time than it looks when seeing it as raw sticker price.
And again, “American Dream” means family with 2 kids. Not everyone wants that or needs that. If you are a single person and happy living with just a partner or without kids (DINK lifestyle is fun), this is not saying you need 4.4 million to have a decent living standard.
The inflation piece is confusing to me to, but I think it does talk about investment. It says retirement is 1.6 million based on expected annual withdraw rate. So I’m guessing that is not the contribution amount but final amount including return on investment. So does that 4.4 million number actually somehow translate into a sub 4 million dollar contribution value? Same with college. If you start investing in college funds at child birth that have 18 years of growth, is that child cost the cost basis, or accrued value at time of spend? On the other hand the home cost includes mortgage interest, but the value of the house will hopefully exceed the cost you put into it.
I disagree. Workers in trades like electricians will make that much. I think entry level electricians make like 55k. So after 5 years in that work, you will likely be earning above median salary. But for professions like teachers in school districts that don’t pay well… It sucks. Not ideal, but not as dire as some might think. And when you throw in the number of people these days choosing not to have kids, that shaves 1 million dollars off the cost of the American Dream life (but hard to say how much of that decision is based on expected income vs lifestyle values).
Tech workers I assume are making starting around 75k and getting into 100k fairly easily depending on geographic location. And depending on company and trajectory you could be getting into 200 to 300k territory in tech.
I’m seeing median salary listed around 65. Is the median household income reflecting the number of single income families out there or just single people generally?
American dream implies nuclear family life. Retirement, home ownership, and owning new cars are factored in that math. It includes the cost of having 2 kids.
If you read the article…
Here’s the breakdown. We’ll explain the math below.
Retirement: $1.6 million
Homeownership: $930,000
Raising two kids: $832,000
Owning new cars: $811,000
Annual vacations: $179,000
Wedding: $44,000
Pets: $37,000
Funeral: $8,000
I think people underestimate lifetime earnings. Let’s assume 35 years of salary work to retire at 65 (it takes a while to get a career going an maybe a layoff and parental leave…) That would be about 125k a year. Make that a dual income family and that’s 2 people making 63k a year. It’s a bit hard to understand pre and post tax though because some of the calculations like retirement are pretax. And then factor in gains from investment…
So isn’t this calculation saying a 2 family income making median salaries can live the dream? That’s not great for 50% of Americans and probably means a lesser proportion of Americans can attain the dream than before. But that number 4.4 million actually is not crazy high. In a more just work though, dual income families making above the lowest 25 to 30% salaries should be able to afford the American Dream with some caveats around used cars instead of new, and maybe more frugal wedding and college expense due to financial aid and what not.
But can’t you do that with a scope over the iron site that is not full screen and not blurring the peripheral around the scope on the center? But as a 90s/00s gamer, I did love silent scope on arcades. I get what you mean.
The picture in picture scope is a weird design choice. I remember old delta force games, after moving on to rainbow six, ghost recon, or operation flashpoint, not sure why you would go back to that for scopes…
“is” or “strives to be” a monopoly? I think the value of monopoly criticism gets diluted when used to liberally to not actually describe them. I would not say every “decent sized company” out there is a monopoly…
I’m not a PS layout kind of person. I looked at the more Xbox designed ones, but don’t folks say the ergonomics aren’t great? They have yours wrists or hands almost at parallel angles instead of a more open position based on the grip design? I almost went
Isn’t the point of directtv kind of anti monopoly. Satellite has no specific footprint like cable where geographic monopolies are carved out… But the real monopoly is when it’s all exclusively on ESPN or whatever Disney’s streaming service is. Like apple TV with mls being the 1 global streamer.
Didn’t a Japanese company make a controller with native steam input? Is that controller any good? The thing with 8bitdo and the like is you can’t map back paddles to unique inputs via steam and they only can duplicate face buttons by programming the controller iirc.
I have a gulikit kk3, but I don’t love the dongle and don’t love the lack of native steam controller configuration for back paddles. Other than that, the hardware has been good for me.
The bullshit that gets upvoted/downvoted here, does not get that on reddit. It’s really weird to see some of the cultural differences between the two platforms in terms of user base.
We drug animals for flights all the time, it’s practically a requirement. Until the age of at least 5, kids are essentially animals with just as little self-control
Not only do I think it’s ok to give them something that would help them sleep through it, I think it should be mandatory.
I don’t think this level of bullshit would fly in the reddit equivalent of r/worldnews
You see on Lemmy, it’s okay to say children are “essentially animals”, unless it’s in the context of Israel referring to infants in Gaza as essentially animals. The fucking crazy shit that gets upvoted in Lemmy vs reddit is weird. It’s like a giant reading group of edgy undergrads in here most of the time.
At literally every point of modern history, a reduction in the amount of humans was beneficial for the vast amount of humans in the long run.
Like, even the Black Death led to reduced wealth inequality and the beginnings of workers rights.
I don’t see how someone can claim that the mass death of people is simultaneously beneficial to that people.
There’s a difference in reduction of humans by events that cause death at large scale vs decline in rates of reproduction. Clearly catostrophic death is being used as an example of “a reduction in the amount of humans.”
There was NFS game on sale for like 2 bucks during the winter sale that was fun.
But I think Art Of Rally really shines as a steam deck racing game. It’s not arcadey, but not hardcore sim. Kind of it’s own challenging but chill racer. Can easily be played in short bursts when you have 5 or 10 minutes to kill.