If it’s biology based, women have 3 and men 2, but straight line would make more sense. But that is only a guess and who knows what the symbols are actually based on.
If it’s biology based, women have 3 and men 2, but straight line would make more sense. But that is only a guess and who knows what the symbols are actually based on.
Was. He was a great marketeer. And then he crashed his brain and is ruining everything he built.
Most of the trips that have happened in February and March were planned and often paid for before that time and couldn’t easily be changed or cancelled so many went ahead. There will be a continuing drop off. Airlines are reassigning their planes because so few Canadians are booking trips to the USA, even as a stopover to anther country. Some border businesses have already lost 50% or more of their business.
It was only a girl that died. They might have cared if it was a BOY.
Puree (hot or smoothie) is a great way to introduce new flavours but it also breaks up the fibre making the fruit or veg much less healthy. If you are watching sugar intake this is very important. Sometimes disguising or hiding works. My kids liked cheese and salsa so many veggies had salsa or cheese or both on them initially. Eventually they ate the veggies on their own.
Doctors are welcome to relocate to Canada. BC is revamping the process so a qualified US Doctor can start practising here in about 6 weeks.
It depends on how conveniently the chargers are located. If you have a smaller battery and can go 200km you’ll need a charging station every 190km and mountainous terrain will change those distances as well. You many end up charging sooner than needed in order to get to the next charging spot. In reality it isn’t as bad as it sounds. I travel the BC interior with my short range EV and the savings in fuel make it worthwhile to stop more often. Even when I pay the high speed charging rates, it is about 1/4 the cost of gasoline per km but takes 15% longer time to get to destination vs our gas vehicle.
I’m sure Musk can get all his debt covered by the same “bank” that now covers all of Trump’s borrowings.
Enjoy your leave. You obviously have the sense to know that you are taking it for: your wife, your child and your mental health. You will give your family a better head start. Corporate won’t notice. If they are going to fire you, they’ll do it even if you had spent the time period working double overtime instead of being on leave.
My cellphone changes automatically and so does the alarm clock that we never use. But the stove, microwave, decorative clock, and thermostat all need to be changed manually. And I still have a VCR and know how to set the time on it but it doesn’t update automatically.
Wasn’t dog in a crate? Possibly died due to lack of water and food?
70% of American voters allowed Trump to be elected by either voting for him or not voting. Only a minority of 30% tried to stand against him. I hope Trump has a hell of an impact on the 70%. Every one that cries that they voted for him but have lost their job or whatever fully deserve it. Nothing he is doing now wasn’t known before the election. None of it is a surprise. The only surprise is that 70% of Americans supported him destroying their country.
I like the people that say it is decline due to the exchange rate. While a favourable exchange rate is nice, a negative one has never impacted travel to this extent. Canadians we can do better - we can get this up to 90% or more of a drop! Go Canada Go.