Skipper Klements morgensang: https://youtu.be/C0QQzXgKwOI?si=Ifno3B832V7P33D- A song from 1970 (I actually thought it was way older) about a civil war in 1534
Skipper Klements morgensang: https://youtu.be/C0QQzXgKwOI?si=Ifno3B832V7P33D- A song from 1970 (I actually thought it was way older) about a civil war in 1534
I think you meant “powers of two” not “square numbers” near the end there
The main problem i have had with printing minis has been getting the supports off of the print. FDM seemingly generates more support material than resin printing, and because the figure is as small as it is, it is quite difficult to get any tools in there to get the support material out.
Alternatively Midsommervisen, written in 1885, with the popular melody rewritten in 1980: https://youtu.be/q4i-5Df0oVc
Is sung on Sankt Hans Aften every year while roasting a (sculpture of a) witch on a huge bonfire.