And they should be redacted. But with this administration, the victims names and all personal information will not be redacted. Just the names and personal information of the perpetrators will be redacted.
And they should be redacted. But with this administration, the victims names and all personal information will not be redacted. Just the names and personal information of the perpetrators will be redacted.
They want the chaos and uncertainty. They will blame everyone and everything else as the cause. This is exactly what they want. They want you to ignore the part where they are the cause and blame whoever they are blaming.
Now do it in DC itself.
This is the first one in a while that made me think.
Do you mean before or after the US leaves?
Gotta make room for trumps new resort.
After blaming Ukraine. How is this a surprise to anyone.
“LOL” - President Musk and First Lady Comrade Trump
Cant agree more.
Like he gives a fuck about them. Or anyone really. Putin isn’t involved, so he won’t do or say anything.
Why wait till lunch?
Killing in the Name - Rage Against The Machine
And, then continue to listen whatever I want.
The owner failed to pay his monthly “I love musk” fee that pops up on the dashboard. A message has been sent.
If the talking Cheeto said it, it must be true. Everyone one, the best people, are saying it.
Return to office or be fired. Sell the federal buildings. Tell the DoE to work remote….totally not for doge to do shady shit. They are sending some mixed signals here. But I’m sure his worshippers are beating their meat as hard as they can to this while staring at their lifesize Trump cutout….in a totally not gay way.
Wasn’t the talking Cheeto saying something about how good the education is in Asia a few days ago and that we need to do better. This is clearly the answer. What a fucktard.
Better than the movie? Low bar, I know.
“Sounds like fake news to me” - some maga cuck
Before long this just might be a normal Tuesday in America.
I never said anything about this being insignificant. I just said go do it in DC. Shut the fucking city down with people