This is great, as usual ! I like the “retro vibe” of your work, it’s refreshing and strangely “relaxing”, thank you ^^
This is great, as usual ! I like the “retro vibe” of your work, it’s refreshing and strangely “relaxing”, thank you ^^
Same here and with an Optimus configuration ( NVIDIA + Intel GPU ). Work flawlessly on my Fedora.
Or simply life ^^
Comet support achievements and are already usable with Heroic if you launch it yourself.
Cloud saves are already supported by Heroic ; Comet can already be used if you launch it yourself but will be integrated in the package in the future. Comet support online features and achievements. Heroic + Comet = Gog Galaxy
I use Heroic for installation, updates and cloud saves, and Comet for online and achievements functionnalities, no need for Galaxy via wine anymore.
my favorite daw is renoise. The sample management is excellent (it’s a tracker) and it manages VST perfectly well.
I used Jerboa and then Eternity, now I use Voyager which I think is very good and stable. I’ve never tried Thunder.
Ouch ! It’s a tough one.
I hand write on my Onyx Boox Nova Air e- ink tablet : the best of the two worlds.
Listening without saying a word, I’m a psychologist