found this account on Mastodon and seems like a cool project trying to preserve some nice video game history
what magazines did you read as a kid? EGM was my favorite
Me and my brother would sit in the magazine aisle at the grocery store and pore over Nintendo Power like it was a religious text lol
Also, you just made me remember getting all those demo discs with PlayStation magazine
ha, I used to go the grocery store specifically to read entire magazines
Growing up, I was quite brand loyal with occasional dips to other magazines if the freebies were any good.
ZX Spectrum - Crash magazine Atari ST - ST Format with semi regular copies of ST Action depending on the demo disks. PC - PC Format. Dreamcast - The official Dreamcast magazine, it was the only one with demo CDs. GameCube - I honestly can’t remember which magazine but I definitely bought one regulary.
By the time I had the first Xbox, all reviews and news I was getting from the internet.
The dude who runs this on Mastodon is a pretty cool dude. I follow him and sometimes we talk about a print he posted. He’s always down to discuss some games haha.
IA has a TON of old gaming magazines. Will always have a soft spot for Nintendo Power, but also the hype gen 5 magazines of the 90s like Saturn and Official PS magazine
I don’t see it on there but Nintendo Power was my jam
You mean when I was a kid and had a dinosaur as a pet instead of a dog? Compute!'s Gazette, Compute!, Ahoy!, Your 64. Amiga Format, Electronic Games, Nintendo Power, and some other magazines I can’t remember. I was a junky for magazines and still am.