Nathaniel Chapman, a designer who has worked at both Blizzard and Obsidian, also added: “The slow grind on something you do not believe in is 10x as soul crushing as crunching for something you care about.”
I felt that
Hey this is me working at Unity! The never ending churn building a thing that I tell people to not use is terrible. In a few months though I can handle a change or gap in insurance though so I’ve got a light at the end of the tunnel at least
In a few months though I can handle a change or gap in insurance though so I’ve got a light at the end of the tunnel at least
This is just so fucked. In no way do I mean on your end, but just that the system begets inhumane situations like this.
The US is a third world country when it comes to healthcare
And education, and social services, and basically everything.
Well it’s both. Space age treatments… If you can afford it.
(I’m not saying it provides the best overall outcomes for the whole population, but you can’t contest the quality of high end hospitals like mayo clinic or similar)
I don’t think you give someone an A+ for doing 1% of the project really really well.
Like the Nazis were actually environmentalists. They also advanced medical science by decades. Do we praise them for it?
I don’t mean to invoke Nazis, but you get my point yeah? If the vast majority of the people who need the treatment cannot get it? That isn’t ‘both’ in my opinion.
Their medical work was bunk
The both is america medical pinnacle is a+. American general availability is c-. (Anyone can go to a quality emergency room but won’t afford regular care)
A lot of third world countries have top of the line medical treatments. The difference to socially developed countries is in how accessible it is to the general population.
Isn’t it great? I love it. The whole situation is amazing. So insurance covers this surgery, but they don’t do it directly because reasons and I had to enter a self pay agreement with the hospital. After surgery the hospital takes my money, bills insurance, insurance reimburses the hospital, then the hospital reimburses me. And if anyone says no during any of these steps I get to start suing people. I had to save a down payment on a house amount of money for something that insurance is supposed to cover, and if I have any kind of insurance changes along the way I risk being out the entire amount
As a fellow Unity employee, I feel that right down to my bones. If the job market for software devs didn’t suck so hard, I would have left a while ago. Compartmentalization is the only coping mechanism I have to keep myself going.
This isn’t at all how they told me being in it together would be lol. Congrats on surviving the mass firings at least, and I hope some good opportunities come your way
Thanks, friend, you too. And remember, best ideas win… unless you happen to know what you’re doing.
Hang in there, partner
Will do, thank you. I’m almost there
from a longtime user perspective - yay, they got rid of riccitello - but the board that put him there is still in power. How’s the linux guy working out as ceo? at least you sold of the useless weta stuff… never understood that acquisition
Linux guy is fine, definitely better than JR. Really they’re just a face being used to chainsaw through the company but he’s been pretty honest with us which I like
but he’s been pretty honest with us which I like
nice for a change. man I wish you all the best of luck, I used to love Unity (back during Dave H’s time).
Wish they’d put out some of the vr-dev-in-vr tools they made.
"Member when games were made with passion?
They still are, just not by these big studios.
When I was a kid I wanted to be game dev. Back then a game with three separate people for the coding, graphics and music was considered a big release.
Glad I didn’t get into that tbh, because it sounds shit these days.
I think it could still be fun if you’re a small development team and not tied to one of the big companies.
Wtf? WDYM FO:NV team, that game came out fourteen years ago.
The article includes quotes by Joshua Sawyer, best known to be the director of FNV. They should have put his name or actual position in the title to avoid a confusing headline
Devs are getting ground up as
collateral damagepart of our employee retention planYou know nothing of the crunch. You’ve never even been to the crunch!
This is an outage!
Ooooooh my wooooord. Are we back to the crunch? Oh here we faaaackin gooooo.
When it comes to burnout, I think you’ll find that Kirk leaves us all in the dust.
Common Josh Sawyer W