• @spujb@lemmy.cafe
    821 year ago

    misleading title:

    In addition to the Pride flag, the measure approved by voters bans religious flags and breast cancer awareness flags, according to the Los Angeles Blade.

    the measure only applies to city property and does not “ban” individuals from anything. but whatever gets clicks i guess 🤷‍♀️

  • “As a tourist community, I want to shake every tourist upside down by their ankles to get money out of them,” he said. “Therefore, we should be open and inclusive of everyone, and everyone should feel comfortable to come here and spend their money.”

    Realest shit ever said?

    • Snot Flickerman
      1 year ago

      I guess we’re at the “Saying the Quiet Parts Out Loud All Day Every Day” point in America now.

        • Snot Flickerman
          1 year ago

          You’re very correct that in regards to people who are violent and hateful, they’ve always been very outspoken and were very willing to show how violently bigoted they could be towards the LGBTQ+ community and always have been. Absolutely, it was always there and never stopped. The violence especially has always been very, very loud.

          “As a tourist community, I want to shake every tourist upside down by their ankles to get money out of them,” he said. “Therefore, we should be open and inclusive of everyone, and everyone should feel comfortable to come here and spend their money.”

          However, this particular quote is an idea very rarely spoken out loud, but it’s the centerpiece of why Rainbow Capitalism was and always will be a sham. Corporations didn’t start accepting women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and the disabled because they had an epiphany that these were humans whose lives had intrinsic and important value simply by just existing. No, they started accepting “different” people simply because they were leaving money on the table. The epiphany corporations had was “some of these people might be the best workers we could field, and they have money in their pockets, Johnson, that could be our money, but we have to market to these filth, damn it!” This part is very rarely spoken out loud, especially with such clarity. They never changed their opinions about any of us, they just wanted our fucking money. Capitalists generally don’t like admitting that, but it’s absolutely why their “diversity” programs end up being like this:

    • @nymwit@lemm.ee
      201 year ago

      Wait, you’re telling me my favorite brand doesn’t actually support LGBT stuff? They’re only in it for the money? Whaaa?

  • TherouxSonfeir
    311 year ago

    Christian’s get so worked up over colors. Do they have black and white TVs?

  • Cuntington Beach.

    Orange county is the post coldwar corprate landscape Reagan and Thatcher edged over on their way to bed. Corporate shitscape as far as the eye can see.

  • @hardcoreufo@lemmy.world
    151 year ago

    It just bans the flag on government property along with religious flags and breast cancer awareness flags. Sounds like they just don’t want to make any left or right statements which makes sense. Local government should focus primarily on keeping things rolling smoothly over left/right politics which tend to be more state/national issues.

    As far as I can tell you can fly whatever flag you want off your house/apt/car.

      • @harderian729@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You’re right. They should get to hang up any flag they want.

        I know a certain flag with a bunch of right angles that should be allowed, too.

        Another one with a snake.

        This is what fair treatment feels like, and of course you don’t like it.

    • NigahigaYT
      131 year ago

      Trump got nearly a third of the vote in California. Let’s stop acting like there’s such a thing as a monolithic “Red State” or “Blue State” and realize that these differences are between rural and urban areas, rather than entire states

  • @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
    81 year ago

    Time to smack a tiny new color to the flag. “This isn’t a pride flag, officer, it’s a flag to commemorate what a shithole Huntington Beach is”

  • @harderian729@lemmy.world
    61 year ago

    Interesting. The headline is of course misleading and doesn’t specify where the flag would be banned.

    They clearly have a vested interest in making people think it’s banned in all of Huntington Beach, which is of course bullshit.

  • @nymwit@lemm.ee
    51 year ago

    Gotta read past the headline folks, it’s at best implying something it isn’t and at worst, rage bait.

    • @nymwit@lemm.ee
      81 year ago

      You’ve got my head spinning “Government bans smaller government’s decision to restrict smaller government’s own flag speech”

      Did you see this is a ban for the City to fly the flag on City property? Sure, shitty, and the reasons behind it are shitty but I don’t see how it’s a first amendment deal.

      • gregorum
        51 year ago

        don’t they work pro bono? they get paid by the ACLU which has an endowment, right?

    • @andrewta@lemmy.world
      -31 year ago

      So a flag can’t be flown on governments buildings but you can put it basically anywhere else you want and that will cause people to not go there?

      • @GoddessOfGouda@lemmy.world
        21 year ago

        Correct. When a local government makes a statement like that, tourists hear it. It’s not the absence of a flag that would cause people to not want to go there, it’s the statement made by the local government. A highly unnecessary action too, btw. Why shouldn’t pride flags be allowed? There is only one reason to oppose them: bigotry.

  • Ghostalmedia
    1 year ago

    Huntington Beach has been full of selfish and self righteous rich a-holes for decades. If you visit CA, avoid that place like the plague. There are much more interesting places in SoCal with much more friendly and down to earth people.

  • @shalafi@lemmy.world
    -51 year ago

    Is this LGBT discrimination? Of course it is. OTOH, does every interest group get a pass? Serious question. I want my liberal gun owners flag flown on government property. I’m 100% certain NONE of you will take issue.



    https://imgur.com/a/hxF3vrj (my rifle case)

    Anyone wish to whine?

    “bUt tHat’s DiFfErenT!”

    Yep, sure is. You’re a much-maligned and misunderstood minority who wishes to have a voice. Very different. (Well, maybe a tiny difference or three. When liberals come into our space with questions and arguments, we engage in good faith. If I come into LGBT spaces with questions and arguments: BAN HAMMER.

    When they start loading trains, I’ll do what I can for you, but it’ll be hell defending my family. I’ll try.