Does… does it work?
Only for walking birds.
Probably not well, there’s no circle around it 😁
Birds are kinda smart.
Came here to ask the same question.
This is the most interesting content on here
I hope it’s not too interesting though.
Banned for breaking rule 1
This will go over a lot of birds heads.
Many might find the concept to be beneath them as well.
Only if they duck.
That’s ornitocist! Bigot swine!
Swine‽ You porcinaphobe coward.
coward?! You boviniphobe maggot!
Maggot!? You scoleciphobe ass!
Ass?! You equidiphobe rat!
Rat?! You rodentiphobe shrew!
Shrew?! You moleophobe karp!
Or at the kind of level you’d be looking at if you were contemplating letting a bird in?
Birds aren’t real.
I would like to agree with you but… I’ve been shit on, stared at (which includes judging looks), screamed at, had food and small items stolen (shiny things, like nails, screws and washers), my house casually invaded as the door was open, my work appraised (yard work) and taunted as nests were being built.
They are very real.
Can you ask the story behind this sign? I bet there is a story behind it.
I told my wife about this sign and she said there was a bird in the cafe last week.
There were no birds in the establishment when I was there today. The sign clearly works.
this is a high quality post
Wow. I’ve never seen such a blatant display of birdism. Birdists are now openly displaying their hate propaganda, not even just for the general public but specifically targeted so the birds see it and live in fear.
Birdphobia won’t be stopped until all spaces accept and welcome birds.
How the hell do you expect Big Bird to see that sign way down there???
Every sign has a story. I’d love to know this one, and is it working?
Untitled Goose Game got a sequel?
i have a “no cats aleowed” sign on the door to my study. At the cats’ eye level, of course
“You were warned.”