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Apparently it stands for Computer, I guess to distinguish them from TTRPGs. Had to Google it because they never bothered to spell out the initialized term in the article.
I want to thank you for asking this question, and also explain why for the, “just google it” crowd.
I have believed for the last 10+ years that this meant combat-rpg. My ignorance would never have been fixed if someone hadn’t asked the question in a place like this; I never would have googled the answer to a question I didn’t have.
How many more serious questions out there would benefit from more discussion, rather than individual research?
Alright, take my soap box from me.
I just searched “what is a crpg” and everything that came up said computer role playing game without even needing to click any links.
Good job. I have never felt the need to Google that since I never had a reason to question what I thought it meant.
I mean, you were complaining how you never knew what it meant, and something about the just Google it crowd.
Shocker if you just googled it instead of ranting you could have saved everyone time.
Not at all, please read my comment again.
Computer RPG.
Basically old school RPGs.
It historically stands for computer RPG. Because back in the days of the first role playing games transferred to computers calculating the dice roles, damages and other attributes. It was the distinction to tabletop games. Nowadays there are so many RPGs that I find the distinction lacking. The better term now would be classic RPG, because there are many computer action adventure RPGs, whereas the tabletop approach digitalised, like bg3, RPGs refer to the initial or, in better terms, classical RPGs.
In game science studies it is taught as classic RPG, in contrast to the more “modern” RPGs like Mass Effect or The Witcher.
C is for cookie!
(Sorry, I know it’s dumb but I could not refuse)
I also thought it meant classic until just a few seconds ago…
Fuck open up the engine so people can play d&d in it lol
Sadly Hasbro is hoping to make big bucks off the Virtual Table Top they’re developing, so I don’t think they’d allow that.
We can hope that the mod-tools that are confirmed to be in the works will be open enough that the community can develop something. But I doubt Larian will get the go-ahead to implement actual GM-tools (like in DOS2) for this game.
Every time I open the multiplayer lobby browser the field showing the adventure being played gives me a little punch of hope that there is an editor of some kind in the works
I imagine studios will be rushing to make them off the back of BG3’s success. It’s better if a game is made in it’s own time from passion, rather than trying to cash in on a current trend/genre popularity.
Even with the time they had, you can tell that Act 3 didn’t get nearly the love that Act 1 did. I imagine anything done in a rushed manor won’t have the charm.
Game should have ended in Act 2, the game does start to fall apart in Act 2 but Act 3 is absolute fucking mess. A shorter more polished experience would have been preferable for sure.
Preach. The Act 2 to Act 3 transition is brutal. >!The BBEG is marching on the city. Better stop to catch a circus act and have ASMR sex with three hookers.!<
Do a Warhammer one, or a Lancer one, or literally any other TTRPG like this and I’m down. I dont even care if its partially a clone as long as the story is this deep. Shit Larian can just do another one up lets go.
Edit: could you imagine a fallout like this? Or a Vampire: Masquerade? Or maybe a Star Wars: EOTE?
40K Rogue Trader is something I’ve had a bit of hope for for a while. Something about 40K videogames never hit right though imo.
Its hard to hit those thematic notes of the setting while also shoving your own story in there. If GW gave me a license I have a soulslike thats perfect for 40k’s entry.
Man, I would play the crap out of a Fallout game like BG3. I’d probably play the crap out of any such game, but especially Fallout.
The first few Fallout games were top-down CRPGs
Yeah, but there a big difference between those and BG3. I’ve tried getting into classical CRPGs before, they don’t really work for me.