Hey! Godot exists!
It does and I use it and I love it.
But I now, thanks to this post, see I am weak. I must feel pain to feel alive! /s
This is my thought every time I see anyone talking about the unity news.
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Bro typed Hey! 💀💀💀💀
- runs in a web browser
- very easy to code with
- does not compile to a binary
- is capped at JS speeds
- has limited resolution
Runs at industry standard speed.
is capped at JS speeds
So, just like every Electron app?
Are you trying to make games in electron?
There is actually a decently popular game made in Electron that just recently switched to Unity. RIP
Vampire Survivors. I was pretty surprised when I looked at the game files
Except worse, because it’s an electron app interpreting the app you actually want to run, so double slowness.
double slowness.
Sorry, but we prefer to call that “cinematic”.
All fun and games until someone forks it to remove the limits.
How’s tutorials and troubleshooting resources vs unity? Being able to Google answers is super important.
Bro really needs docs in order to program with frickin’ blocks
I think there’s likely more scratch tutorials though the advanced stuff just requires a basic understanding of logic.
Check out turbowarp desktop. You can make a bigger stage and export to exe.
This. Turbowrap is amazing.
Raspberry pi ensures you can put your game studio in your pockets
2d minecraft ftw
Back in my day we called it DigDug and it blew my mind.
Oh wow, I didn’t realize it was open source too!
Electron only. 🤢
It runs Doom.
But it’s written in some oddball language called Squeak
Squeak is just a programming environment for Smalltalk, the language in which object-oriented programming was invented.
If anything, it’s those languages that tried to bolt on object-oriented features to Algol that are the oddballs!
Smalltalk is still being used? That’s really surprising honestly.
Have you heard of objective C? It is basically C with embedded Smalltalk.
there’s a guy in the emudev server working on a gba emulator in scratch (and completed a Gameboy one, and it’s pretty accurate AND fast!)