Took a few q-tips to get the really stuck on stuff out.
It’s so nice when you can stop jiggling the bean hopper to keep the grinder grinding. I have to do mine about once every 2 years.
Yep, this was the 2ish year mark.
I just got this same grinder a month ago and I love it.
OXO gang
Nice rock garden
Paper towel is as far as I go.
Uh, we’re supposed to clean them?
My process is to run it empty and bang it on the counter, emptying the leftovers in the sink. Then grind my beans. Then run it empty again and bang it on the counter again.
My hope was to have to resort to less violence to get my grounds out.
This is inspirational stuff. I am going to clean my Encore tomorrow when I make my morning cup.
Odd, mine has a metal handle recessed into the section just above the burrs. I assume that I can unscrew and pull them out with it.
Yep, just twist and the burr comes right out.
I simply put so much coffee through it so regularly that cleaning isn’t required.
I started rinsing the grounds catcher with hot water every time and that does a good job of preventing buildup there, but the upper gets a deep clean annually and that keeps it from looking too gross.
Mine is a Capreso Infinity and it’s 12 years old. I’ve had to replace the thermister that regulates motor heat four times now, roughly every three years. No other issues, still grinds great.