According to Bethesda Support, even the Intel Arc A770 GPU does not meet Starfield’s PC minimum requirements.
Translation: “we didn’t bother making this work with arc because the third party tool we used to port it from console to PC didn’t support it and we don’t give a fuck.
“they’ll be a mod made later”
The mod will make the game free to play for everyone!
“Wait a minute…”
“We are not actually very good at this how have you not figured this out yet?”
Also, we’re going to the game run like crap on every API except Nvidia’s. You know . . . "The Way It’s Meant to be Played " * Ka-Ching! *
Isn’t SF sponsored by AMD?
I claim Bethesda’s games do not meet the minimum requirement for me to pay for them instead of plundering
Are pirates the vegans of pc gaming?
No, we don’t cost you money and won’t judge you as harshly for paying for the game.
We will however tuck you in bed at night and give you a little smooch on your forehead if you stay seeding.
Vegans cost companies money? I’m confused.
No but the vegan lifestyle does cost you in terms of money and sanity.
Depends where you’re located. The UK these days is very vegan friendly almost anywhere you go.
True but in many places
where the normal food is edibleit’s not a given
Yeah they’re based
Hah, that is a good comparison. Definitely more noticeable on here than in Reddit but there seems to be at least one person on every post talking about how they pirated the game due to some perceived slight with the Dev or publisher.
If they have an issue with the dev or publisher, then they shouldn’t play it. Have some principles.
Leave that term for Linux gamers.
I’m just waiting for the cringy pirate song comment
Yeah he’s very cool 2edgy4me
nd ur 2 T9 4 me.
Mr Pirate Man
This must be one of the worst-developed games in the last ten years. If a high-end PC can’t run it, they did a shitty job designing it, and the graphics are not great. They spent zero time optimizing it.
So, another Bethesda game?
Pretty much
But we’re a decade past where that’s good enough. “Another Bethesda game” at that same Bethesda quality level now is a trash game.
I’m playing on Xbox gamepass and am pretty disappointed with the graphics (glad I didn’t bother buying it on PC). The faces during dialogue look like they just upscaled obsidian slightly and slapped it in there.
I’ve played it for 50 hours now and have yet to experience a single issue. My PC is pretty beefy but nothing special. 12th Gen Intel processor, Radeon 6950 XT GPU, 16GB memory. Pretty bog standard gaming PC.
That’s a $700 GPU that’s bearly a year old.
Yeah it’s a mid tier card, like I said beefy but nothing special.
It’s far from mid tier. Midtier would be a 6600 XT.
Then what would you rate the 7900s?
7900 - Enthusiast
7800 - High end
7700 - High mid range
7600 - Mid range
7400/7500 - Entry level
APUs - Budget
Lol mid tier. PC gamers are weird
They already told us that their optimisations consist of them telling us to buy better hardware.
Idk if arc was a thing when they were developing this one after FO4 at the time. Not defending, just saying that might’ve been more of a factor combined with Intel not having much of a market share at the current moment. Willing to bet they’ll get it working following release after a few months. Speculating though!
I have a 3070 and it runs great. The graphics look good on ultra/high settings too. I don’t even think the 3070 is considered high end anymore
Runs fine on my 3060ti also. This game is being brigaded really hard on Lemmy for some reason. It’s by no means a perfect game but I’ve been having enough fun to keep going and I’ve had zero issues running it on ultra. Like actually zero. Shrug.
Good to know my 3060ti would be able to handle it. I’m not planning on getting it just because first person games and I do not get on well, but it’s good to know because this is what most games coming out now will be at.
Weirdly it can be third person whenever you want? I’m not trying to sell you on it. But it’s not strictly first person, which I didn’t know before starting it.
Different standards I guess. I have a 5800X and 3080 Ti and I have trouble getting it to run at 90 FPS minimum outdoors.
Definitely different standards. I mean no criticism, but I in no way require 90fps minimum.
That’s because 90fps is a ridiculous “standard” to expect.
lmao okay, you keep doubting
AKSCHULLY you cannot have fun because we former redditors decided so!!!
Just ignore them, some of these guys will claim a game sub 144 fps is unplayable, even in single player.
It does make me laugh how entitled the PCMR has become, people complaining that they can only get a game running at around 80 FPS, well beyond what’s needed for smooth gameplay, and the like.
Exactly, I’m just waiting for some delusional dude to go “omg you don’t even have a 4090?” In these comments soon, maybe call a 4080 or 4080Ti “low-end”.
Bethesda doesn’t seem to care about pr at all
Did you forget literally everything about Fallout 76?
Bethesda has.
I didn’t follow gaming news back then
If you like gaming, you probably shouldn’t have started
They haven’t for a while, remember the classic
we’re not planning on doing anything about it
This feels like the discussion then Fallout 4 was released. People were getting 15fps in the locations like the outdoor cities and Bethesda blamed it on the PC.
The game runs flawlessly on our dev* and testing** computers
(Dev computers are $4000 top of the line systems)
(Testing computers are the $4000 top of the line systems that they used last year)
The answer is likely just that Bethesda coders are bad at optimization. They don’t have to put out a quality product, so they never learn how to make one.
Yeah, when fallout 4 released I was getting sub-30 fps in city areas. It was atrocious. I haven’t had anything like that with starfield tho. Seems hardware specific
How did that end up then? Did they put patches and optimize it or what?
Fixed it but it took a few months—maybe even a year. It was a wild time. Lots of conspiracies about console version vs PC.
Can’t fix their middleware? My Arc a750 runs Cyberpunk & most other games much better than my brother’s 3060.
Bethesda support saying the Intel Arc doesn’t meet the minimum requirements doesn’t mean they don’t actually mean to support it. It means that support looked at the product requirements and didn’t see Intel Arc listed or that the person confused it with the integrated graphics chip.
deleted by creator
Meanwhile I’m running Starfield on a Steam Deck with zero issues and 30-60 FPS
Any tips for Steam Deck optimization?
Manually edit the low.ini file if you’re struggling. I’ve been happy with the default lows.
How was Atlantis City or whatever it’s called for you on the deck? My performance was so bad that I just went back to my PC. I’m wondering if it’s that area that’s particularly difficult to render tho
I’ll let you know, I did that part on PC
Ok what did I miss?
Poorly optimized console to pc port that runs horribly on even a high end pc.
Bethesda thinks it’s the next Crysis. As the game struggles on current PC hardware like Crysis did when it came out, except there is no huge leap in graphic quality over existing, smoothly performing games.
It just looks so generic, from the footage I’ve seen color isn’t even really there, just the regular old brown and gray landscape everywhere.
If it were even graphically interesting in any way, I might be more understanding, but this really isn’t it.
The game has some nasty color filters in it that fuck everything up hard
One mod and an ini setting later and you get much better results, though still nothing amazing
Screenshots on this page help show the insane differences:
Goddamnit, it’s the Mexico filter all over again
I honestly feel like I’m playing new vegas
Bethesda isn’t capable of making a game as good as new Vegas.
That is the “art direction”.
I’m not saying you’re necessarily wrong, but I don’t think that computers struggle based on the colours lol
My man, I know how computers work, I meant that the game looks so fucking bland, that it doesn’t even deserve to be given the “Woops, your rig is too weak” treatment, because there is simply nothing interesting to look at, that would give it the right to do so.
Yeah, it’s kinda drab in a lot of places. Which is a shame, because I really love the cassette futurism/NASApunk aesthetic.
runs fine on my windows install. 80-120 fps at ultra with a 3080. even has gold status for steam deck. dunno if poorly optimized or if you have too much installed on your pc
Please tell me how the amount of stuff installed affects game performance.
Pretty simply. Got you some gaming devices that want their software? Heres a background process. Browser allowed to autoupdate? Have a background process. RGB controller? Background process baybeeee. Speedfan so you can get that smooth sound when you’re gaming instead of that jet engine for a 2c bump? That’s right, here’s your process. Hell, playing in Steam? There’s multiple processes.
Did you never wonder why people that do game/hardware reviews always have a pristine desktop? Damned near everything you install now has a vampiric process to “help it run better”. Its why you can open perfmon and see IO usage when you’re sitting idle on the desktop.
Lol I have a ton of stuff installed on my system and have had very few issues playing it on a 3080ti. Reading Steam comments on performance, it seems that a fast SSD or NVME is what makes the biggest performance difference.
God damnit Todd Howard you’re here too?
100% shill, thats why I am using windows to play Starfield because I definitely didn’t leave a “doesn’t work” report on protondb
lol @ these downvotes. I’m running a 3070 with 60-120 fps on ultra/high settings. People here are even more salty than Redditors.
Yeah, my only gripe is I can’t play on linux because nvidia hates linux but that isn’t Bethesdas fault.
I kinda assumed, probably incorrectly, that if it runs on steam deck it can run on most Linux distros. Is proton not available for desktop Linux?
My steam deck runs the game okay-ish, but def wanting on the hardware. A desktop would be much more suitable
If you have an AMD gpu, game runs beautifully on Linux. If you have an nvidia GPU you can get bent. The 535 driver black screens the moment you try to get past the menu, 525 and below hard lock you to a gorgeous 27-31 fps with frame timings so smooth you would get a better experience chewing sand.
Its honestly funny, your steam deck will run Starfield better than my 3080 unless I boot into Windows.
oh shit thats brutal ): hopefully that gets figured out. No one likes powerpoint simulator.
they gave it gold status?
I mean it technically runs, but it has PS2 graphics
If you think it has ps2 graphics, your gpu might be dying
The steam deck settings give it PS2 graphics. 1280x800 15-30FPS maximum.
My 2070 Super + Ryzen 3700x are fine at Medium, 35-75FPS 1440p.
Haven’t bought it yet - how does it work on the Xbox S? (I’m reluctant to shell out for a X just for one game)
If you are OK with 30fps its fine.
In fact, I feel like the series S is the proof that the PC port is quite poorly optimized. Its fishy that is runs fine there and at 40fps lowest settings on my 3060.
Series S is also only rendering 900p and using FSR to hit “1440p”
I mean the series X is also 30 fps.
Isn’t the architecture of the Series S better designed for game optimization over a PC? HD wired straight to the GPU and the like?
When Bethesda simps keep buying this crap over and again, why waste additional coin on optimisation and testing when these clowns will pay them to do it.
I’ll probably buy it eventually, whenever the ultra mega turbo deluxe edition is on sale. Rushing out to buy a single player game from Bethesda is a rookie mistake and I hate to see it.
If these issues only occur on Arc GPUs, it sounds much more like a hardware or driver issue than a problem with the game.
That is not how computer graphics or programming work at all.
Arc GPUs do something weird with the way they allocate memory, such that arc GPUs need special motherboards to run properly.
When there are texture problems that are unique to the Arc GPUs, it points to there being an issue in the way the arc GPUs handle their graphics memory.
Starfield does nothing new in terms of rendering. Starfield is using old tech in an old engine. If intel cards can’t handle it it’s probably a them problem.
Holy shit, is this someone on the internet that… wasn’t just pulling armchair bullshit out of their ass?
I can die happy now.
“How dare this dirt-cheap piece of entertainment software not run flawlessly on a million different hardware configurations?!”
$70 is dirt cheap? So far it runs kinda like shit on both Nvidia and Intel GPUs, and it runs slightly better on AMD cards for some reason.
Honestly this is Bethesda’s standard move, they make a poorly optimized game that runs like shit and just let the modders fix it for them. They’ve been doing it for decades now, I don’t know why anyone is surprised.
It runs better on AMD cards because they and Bethesda entered into an exclusive partnership for the game. FSR is AMD tech; it’s why DSLL isn’t an included option.
Thankfully, it’s quite simple to replace FSR with DSLL using a mod. I get 45-60 FPS on High @ 3440x1440 with a 2070S after doing so.
I know free to play games better optimised than Bethesda games. This ain’t no dirt cheap game this is 70€ that is full-price not dirt cheap.
Not sure which part is satire