Can ANY country…?
That goddam Emperor Penguin that showed up in WA should go back to where he came from!
That’s not a country.
At the moment, the majority of us agree that immigration is necessary - particularly of skilled workers. We also agree that we need people in some trades desperately. But, it’s a leap to accept unskilled people into tafe courses and apprenticeship programs.
I see the problems, no idea how to fix them.
I do know that we can’t discuss it in a sensible debate. Particularly not in an election year.
At the moment, the majority of us agree that immigration is necessary - particularly of skilled workers. We also agree that we need people in some trades desperately. But, it’s a leap to accept unskilled people into tafe courses and apprenticeship programs.
Especially without investing in TAFE properly.
The correct Australian answer to that question would be:
“Yeah, na.”
Yeah nah
Can’t see how ? Many see immigration as a business thing, seeing people as a utility, let in well educated people who can nation build or some such justification to exploit others.
Many see it as protecting their “way of life”, see the same thing around housing with NIMBYism, “I’m here fuck anyone else”, bizzarely, recent immigrants seem the worst in that respect
Many are just outright (or covert) racist.
Some weirdos like me are complelty open border.
There’s little in common with any of them aside from dislike for the other groups, aside from then all loathing my stance which seems the uniting factor :)
There are no nations, there’s only Humanity, but if we don’t understand this soon there will be no nations, because there will be no Humanity" - Isaac Asimov.