Better late than never?

    • aubertlone
      306 months ago

      I mean, it doesn’t HAVE to be bad right?

      But yeah, I get where you’re coming from

    426 months ago

    I see triple A, and red flags go up. Didn’t Bethesda brag about being a triple A gaming company right before crapping out Starfield?

    286 months ago

    I’d be good if it was a game set in the universe where you’re a bender but not one of the main cast. For example if you’re in the fire nation you’re in the military and may have run ins with them. Same with the other tribes. You could do unique situations for each element and not be tied to the main characters

      136 months ago

      Perhaps they should just move to an earlier point of time in the universe so a lot more possibilities could open up. They could even make it an MMO kind of game with the different factions, the setting would lend itself quite well for it.

        146 months ago

        Per the article: it takes place thousands of years in the past, with an avatar that has not been seen before.

        I swear, people only read headlines and then it’s off to make comments.

      • PlzGivHugs
        6 months ago

        There is an Avatar TTRPG and it faces similar problems to making a new game based on the series, and handles it similarly to what you’re suggesting.

        The TTRPG divides the setting into Eras, Kyoshi era with the nations still being established, Roku era with established nations, The Hundred Years War era taking place during the war but before Ang wakes, The Aang era, after the show and its sequel comics, and the Kora era taking place after TLoK and its comic trilogy. Notably, none take place during the events of the main series. This means that the can create new stories that better fit the medium and don’t break cannon, and at the same time, you can still interact with significant characters and tie your story into the cannon such as making a quest resulting from the reprocusions of, or a prerequisite for events in the main canon.

        Edit: clearly none of us read the article:

        It’ll put players in the role of an “all-new, never-before-seen Avatar” and take place thousands of years in the past.

      6 months ago

      It’s kind of hard to have an incredibly varied and versatile powerset in a video game, simply becuase you have a limited set of inputs. So you would normally have a small set of powers that each serve a purpose. But then doing that and still representing 4 elements means each only gets very limited options.

      Thinking about it, I can see two ways to make bending feel powerful, versatile and give a good representation to all elements. 1) maybe the best solution would be to have customizable load outs with various bending powers, and let you switch between those load outs on the fly so you can coordinate a few power sets that work well together but swap them when other sets are more useful to the situation. 2) An interesting idea would be to use situational awareness to execute moves without specific user inputs differentiating the exact power used. For example, you could have a single boost button that uses a different element depending on if the player is on land, water, in the air or dodging (fire rocket!). And you could have a close/melee attack and ranged attack for each element that you can specify, but the exact effect/attack it creates can vary depending on the environment and enemy type of the target. Let it feel a little bit like the character is making decisions, not just you, like Batman in combat in the Arkham games. And of course, there would be a charge up to a special attack that uses the Avatar state and all 4 elements at once.

    156 months ago

    They just made Space Marine 2. Great campaign and the most immersive Warhammer 40k game yet imo. As far as the look and feel of the world they really didn’t miss once. 40k is an old IP with A LOT of details and to just consistently nail those details is really a Herculean feat.

    The gameplay loop isn’t exactly my cup of tea but it isn’t bad.

    I don’t know who else I would pick to do this project tbh.

  • Metype
    76 months ago

    As a big fan of Teardown; seeing what happened after Saber bought Tuxedo Labs, I’m not holding my breath for this one.

    16 months ago

    Saber Interactive has russian origins and ties with a russian oligarch, who’s a close friend of putin, please don’t give them your money.