the game is Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. I took this while exploring during the main story. I’m in love with the way this game looks graphically. The way the lighting is handled is gorgeous
I really enjoy the Cal Kestis Jedi games. They did such a great job with the atmosphere and feel of the world.
I really liked how they merged the different major eras together for the setting and story in the sequel.
Yeah. For most people that was likely their very first introduction to the High Republic Era. It was done very well.
It looks like an edited action figure photo.
The photo mode in these games is awesome
sorta looks like he is grabbing the bottom of the blade
I can see it looking like that, but I’m pretty sure it’s because BD-1, the little mini droid you run around with, is up on his shoulder obscuring part of the arm/hand area.
oh. I think I thought the droid was the handle
Better than grabbing the blade with his bottom, at least 🤷