This post is somewhat inspired by a recent post in this same community called “Is anyone else having trouble giving up Reddit due to content?”
I imagine “Reddit” will be a common answer. (And it’s one of my answers.)
Another of my answers is “Hasbro.” First Wizards of the Coast (a Hasbro subsidiary) tried to revoke an irrevokable license and screw over basically all 3rd-party publishers of D&D content, then they sent literal mercinaries to threaten one of their customers over an order mixup that wasn’t even the customer’s fault. D&D: Honor Among Thieves and the latest Transformers look really good, but those are within the scope of my boycott, so I won’t be seeing those any time soon.
Third, Microsoft. (Apple too, but then I’ve never bought any Apple devices in my life, so it hardly qualifies as a boycott.) Just because of their penchant for using devices I own against me in every way they can imagine. And for really predatory business practices.
One boycott that I’ve ended was a boycott of Nintendo. I was pissed that they started marketing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (though it didn’t have a name at the time) before the WiiU came out, prompting me to be an early adopter of the WiiU, and then when they actually released BotW, they dual-released it on WiiU and Switch. I slightly eased my boycott when the unpatchable Fusee Gilee vulnerability for the first batch of Switches was discovered. I wanted to get one of the ones I could hack and run homebrew on before they came out with a model that lacked the vulnerability.
I plan on eventually boycotting English as much as I can. Both because of what global English represents, and to counteract the massive international pressure to do everything in English and its consequences.
Why exactly? I get it, colonialism = bad, but having a language which is widely spoken by people around the world does a lot to bring people from all different counties and background together. Actively avoiding that seems like it could only serve to separate people and foster hate, when people become scared of what they don’t know or understand. When I travel to various countries, English seems to be the bridge between people who don’t have another common language, because English is so widely spoken as a second language.
You already know the language. Actively choosing not to speak it, or read/watch anything in the language, just seems silly.
English is my fourth language and it opened so many possibilities in my personal life that it outweighs practically all the bad stuff.
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