This is an Austrian company that offers mobile payments with barcode/qr-code in shops in Austria and Germany, as well as in a few places in Italy and Luxembourg.

I use it since one year. It works fine, but it could definitely use more attention, so that more shops start to accept it. What are your thoughts on that?

    • professionalspooner
      63 days ago

      Exactly. Even the most inclusive are hard to use when compared with using the Visa/Mastercard networks which are integrated with most banks and merchants.

        3 days ago

        In Germany you have a better acceptance with Girocard (and guess that’s true for most other national systems up there too), and all the popular national systems within the European Payments Initiative will probably convert into Wero (At least that seems to be the plan).

        So they will start with a big initial acceptance and cards in circulation. Usually they are cobadged with MC/Visa, so customers won’t probably even won’t notice that they will paying with Wero in Europe