The act of interacting on YouTube used to be an entirely public matter. You could say anything you want as long as it didn’t break any laws and trust it to be thrown into the public. Nowadays you comment on something, and there’s a 75% chance of you being shadowbanned without knowing why, with the video owner being the main filter of what people see, forcing feuds to take place not in comments but in back and forth videos, since this means everyone’s content has become their own little echo chamber, which means a stable argument is impossible, and combined with the fact YouTube is highly indifferent to even most of its most important rules broken, as well as combined with the fact popularity is based entirely on luck now, means anyone can use it as a platform to slander any person or topic completely unchallenged if they’re the one who gets popular while the challenger cannot. And because YouTube once had a reputation for being the best platform for information, most people who grew up with this reputation who have never had to deal with its modern incarnation don’t think to question anything. It’s a literal den of snakes now, you got misinformation trolls coming out its wazoo. What ways have you used to circumvent the issue?

  • Wugmeister
    23 months ago

    And because YouTube once had a reputation for being the best platform for information

    I had to stop and think for a while to try and remember a time that I thought YouTube was a good place to be informed. I do remember back in 2016 a news-focused youtuber I trusted not only quit YouTube but also quit news entirely after getting disillusioned with the media ecosystem. (That was a sad day.) Back then he was only one of a few youtubers I trusted to deliver news to my ear holes. I can’t remember any point in time that I thought I could find good news by scrolling YouTube.

    These days my news channel is Sir Swag, who does once-per-month world news videos. This gives them plenty of time to research and fact check, and overall are pretty good.

    • मुक्त
      63 months ago

      I have been using internet since before youtube was born and not for one day have I believed that youtube is a good source of information by itself, in spite of watching entire nptel courses there.

      Marketing cliches, and/or coteries under their influence, are not part of “reputation”.