I believe that knowledge should be free, you should have access to knowledge even if you don’t have the money to afford buying it. This uses IPFS.

  • hendrik
    43 months ago

    I think you’re all making look a bit worse than it is. I downloaded a few PDFs via IPFS and it worked for me. And I was happy it provided me with what I needed at that time. I can’t comment on reliability or other nuances. It also was slow in my case, but I took that as the usual trade-off. Usually, you either get speed or anonymity, not both. And there are valid use-cases for denylists. For example viruses, malware, CSAM and spam. I’d rather not have my node spread those. It’s complicated. And I also talk in public like that. I think what matters is what you do and implement, not if you say you comply with regulation and the DMCA…

    Thanks for the links, I’ll have a look.