closing in on my 40th book of the year; this should optimistically be read sometime next week

    7 months ago

    Finally after 2 years making cider. Last year there wasn’t any apples left on trees (I don’t know if they froze or what happened, it was bad year). So it is bit hectic, runs between home, “juicery”, brew shop and my friend home where it stays. I was bit worried my reserves started to run dry and I have 1 archive bottle left. Trying adding hops and spices, more info here.

        27 months ago

        I started with it because I couldn’t get anything decent from store. Now I can get some really good cider from small makers.

        For most people it is love/hate, it is really simple and completely dry, it isn’t for everyone. I really like it and now we started to experiment with it more so maybe more interesting brews are coming (I hope that I will make at least one more batch this year).