It just occured to me, that I haven’t asked anything on SO for a while now. It might even be years, the last I asked for help.

Most of the problems I come across were already faced by someone else.

Do you guys feel the same?

  • Dave.
    7 months ago

    Usually iterations of:

    “Closed and locked due to duplicate of: (question asked 9 years ago about Visual Studio 2011 and Visual Basic, when you’re using VS code '22 and C#)”

    “This seems like an XY problem, what are you really trying to accomplish?”, after a one thousand word post describing in detail exactly what you are trying to accomplish and the many different reasons why you can’t just use #GENERIC_EVERYDAY_METHOD.

    Either that or the quick and dirty method that I want for a one off data conversion that uses standard libraries is heavily down voted and lost while the elaborate, all-cases-considered, 7-third-party-library-using answer becomes the top result.

      • Dave.
        7 months ago

        The problem with stack overflow is that you need to know enough about the domain you’re working in to describe it accurately enough to search and find that previous great answer.

        If you have no clue, and then naively ask the no-clue kinds of questions, because you have no clue, then you get beaten over the head about not searching for the existing answer that you don’t know how to search for.