Had to post it, because I keep loving this video. This moment will go down in Star Trek history. Without teh sahdow of a doubt. 🖖

I wish there was a recording of the entire stream.

  • @UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    While the third season had its flaws they certainly hit all the right emotional notes. I must have watched those final 5 minutes dozens of times when it first aired because I just couldn’t believe what happened. Not necessarily what happened on screen but what happened to me. I felt like that kid again that watched TOS reruns and TNG, I felt like there’s a brighter future ahead because my heroes did once again instill hope. When the lights came on on the bridge – in stark contrast to the dimly lit 8½ episodes before it – suddenly it felt like anything would be possible. Not just in this TV show. But really anything.

    Maybe I’m a bit theatrical but in those five minutes I forgot all my worries (which is quite a feat because I’m one of those broody persons) and felt like I was coming home. I’ve never felt anything like that when consuming any sort of media.

    Thanks to everyone involved. I’ll cherish those five minutes forever.