followed a megathread link from r/piratedgames

  • SuperDuper
    1441 year ago

    Please for the love of God someone else crack denuvo so we can cast Empress into the fiery furnace where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

      831 year ago

      As a person who doesnt pirate games I hope empress reigns supreme for the rest of eternity. I just get to the cackle at craziest fucking headlines that come out of the game piracy community because of this one person. This one insane fucking person Has this global community bent to their will and you can’t even complain about it because what are you gonna do? Go pay for things? Fuck that noise.

      If it were in a movie I would say it’s overwritten. If I didn’t know how crazy people can seriously crazy I would think it’s performance art. It’s the rare perfect storm in modern day where everybody’s doing something wrong so you can point and laugh at the misery of all of the people involved.

      31 year ago

      MKDEV literally dumped their info and process they used to crack FM and FIFA.

      Be the change you want to see in the world.